Melvin Manhoef vs. Ruslan Karaev - K1 Rules Bout
Round One
Manhoef bullies Karaev to the canvas after catching a kick. Ref steps in and restarts the match. Manhoef throws a beautiful hooking left right left combo and absolutely cleans Karaev’s clock. Karaev is on the canvas for several minutes and looks like he has no idea what happened.
Winner Melvin Manhoef by KO RD 1
Bjorn Bregy vs. Brencht Wallis - K1 Rules Bout (Quarter Final Tournament Fight)
Round One
Both fighters come out with aggression. Wallis gets caught by a Bregy right hand and sits down. Wallis is back up and both fighters are trading leather. Round ends with both fighters slugging away. 10 - 8 Bregy.
Round Two
Both fighter come out firing, Wallis is the more aggressive of the two and lands some good shots. It is clear both fighters are worn out. Both fighters take turns pushing the pace of the bout but it is Bregy who steals the round in the last few seconds. 10 - 9 Bregy. Wallis needs a KO to win.
Round Three
Wallis comes out with fire in his eyes knowing he has to get the KO to win. Bregy seems happy to fight backing up and landing some sloppy leg kicks. Wallis is pushing the pace but it is not enough to get to the chin of Bregy. Wallis takes the round but loses the fight. 10-9 Wallis
Winner Bjorn Bregy Unanimous Decision 29 - 27
Maksym Melevda vs. Magomed Magomedov - K1 Rules Bout (Quarter Final Tournament Fight)
Round One
Round starts out like a feeling out process. Magomedov lands some nice leg kicks and glancing punches. Melevda turns it on in the second half of the round and steals the round with accurate punches and knees to the body. 10 - 9 Melevda.
Round Two
Magomedov looks a lot better this round and is almost landing at will in the first half of the round. Melevda turns up the heat in the second half of the round but catches a straight kick to the face for his trouble. Magomedov lands some great body shots and take the round. 10 - 9 Magomedov.
Round Three
The fight is to be won or lost in this round and both fighters know it. They exchange in the corner and it appears that Melevda is cut over his left eye. The doctor is called in to take a look at the gash. Action is restarted. Magomedov lands a text book high kick and lands straight kicks to the face of Melevda at will. Round and fight goes to Magomedov. 10 - 9 Magomedov.
Winner Magomedov Unanimous Decision 29 -28
Paul Slowinski - Hiromi Amada - K1 Rules Bout (Quarter Final Tournament Fight)
Round One
Slowinski comes out firing some brutal leg kicks which go totally unchecked by Amada. Amada is wobbled by a hard leg kick and given a standing eight count. Slowinski attacks with some more hard leg kicks and stops Amada dead in his tracks.
Winner Paul Slowinski RD 1 TKO
James Phillips vs. Zabit Samedov - K1 Rules Bout (Quarter Final Tournament Fight)
Round One
Both fighters throw some hard leg kicks. Samedov is landing some brutal body shots and following up with leg kicks. Phillips is cut and the doctor is called in to check it out. After the break Phillips starts landing some hard accurate leg kicks. 10 - 9 Samedov.
Round Two
Phillips comes out firing more of his hard low kicks. It is clear that Samedov is feeling those kicks and he is getting winded. Samedov is throwing one punch at a time and lands a Superman punch at the end of the round. Phillips takes the round with combos and low kicks. 10 - 9 Phillips.
Round Three
Samedov comes out throwing some vicious body punches. Phillips is not doing much and eats not one but two Superman punches from Samedov. Round ends with Samedov landing the cleaner shots. 10 - 9 Samedov. I scored the fight 29 - 28 for Samedov.
Winner Samedov Unanimous Decision 30 - 27 x 2 & 29 - 28
Roy Tan vs. Hiroya - K1 Special Rules Match 3 rds 2mins
Round One
These young warriors came to fight. Tan (18) and Hiroya (15) are throwing fast hard combinations. This round is a real “see-saw” battle. Hiroya finishes the round with a flurry of punches and kicks. 10 - 9 Hiroya.
Round Two
Hiroya is throwing accurate combinations in the first half of this round. He stalks Tan around the ring and doesn’t give him much room to breath. This kid can fight. 10 - 9 Hiroya.
Round Three
Sharp combos and hard kicks from Hiroya open the round. Tan looks desperate and is getting beat to the punch every time by Hiroya. Hiroya finishes the fight throwing bombs at Tan. 10 - 9 Hiroya
Winner Hiroya Winner Unanimous Decision 30 - 27
Bjorn Bregy vs. Magomed Magomedov - K1 Rules Bout (Tournament Semi - Finals Bout)
Round One
Magomedov is looking to keep his distance from the much larger Bregy. Magomedov is leaping in to the bigger opponent and is now looking to engage in a slugfest. Bregy catches Magomedov with a knee and the slugfest plan is left in the dust as the smaller man keeps the distance. 10 - 9 Bregy.
Round Two
Bregy is looking to bully the smaller man and he is successful as he catches Magomedov with a wild hook and floors him. The action is restarted with Magomedov looking shaky and tired. Bregy pounces on his injured counterpart and bludgeons him in the corner until the ref stops the action. Bregy wins but he looks gassed and will be at a stamina disadvantage during the final bout.
Winner Bjorn Bregy RD 2 TKO
Paul Slowinski vs. Zabit Samedov K1 Rules Bout (Tournament Semi - Finals Bout)
Round One
Slowinski sticks to his strategy of throwing hard low kicks but he is eating some big over hand rights. Samedov lands a huge over hand right and puts Slowinski on the mat. Slowinski is back up and he keeps throwing the low kicks, this time he puts Samedov on the canvas, not once but twice. Two knock downs in one round and the ref stops the fight. The crowd is not pleased with the stoppage. Paul Slowinski will be the fresher man coming into the final bout.
Winner Paul Slowinski RD 1 TKO
Nicolas Vermont vs. Junichi Sawayashiki - K1 Rules Bout
Round One
Both fighters throw some viscous leg kicks with Sawayashiki getting the better of the two. Vermont is keeping up with his opponent but Sawayashiki is landing crisper combos and harder shots. 10 - 9 Sawayashiki.
Round Two
Vermont is fading fast and he is getting hammered with hard leg kicks. Sawayashiki takes advantage of the situation and knocks Vermont down three times, fight is over.
Winner Junichi Sawayashiki RD 2 TKO
Bob Sapp vs. Peter Aerts - K1 Rules Bout
Round One
Sapp charges out of his corner and takes Aerts to the ground. Aerts is back on his feet and he blasts Sapp with a body kick and knee that looks like it half landed at best. Sapp goes down like he was shot; Sapp is done…what a joke this guy has become.
Winner Peter Aerts RD 1 KO
Paul Slowinski vs. Bjorn Bregy - K1 Rules Bout (Tournament Finals)
Round One
Slowinski loves the leg kicks and he is using them again. Bregy is doing a good job of checking the kicks and countering with punches. Bregy takes control of the round and lands some good shots. Bregy lands a flying knee at the end of the round. 10 - 9 Bregy.
Round Two
Slowinski comes out with some hard leg kicks. Bregy is caught with a huge over hand right and is walking around the ring like he has no idea where he is, he drops to the canvas but gets back to his feet. Slowinski jumps on Bregy and knocks him out with a flurry of shots.
Winner & K1 Grand Prix Holland Winner Paul Slowinski RD 2 KO
Semmy Schilt vs. Mighty Mo - K1 Super Heavyweight Title Bout
Round One
Schilt is trying to keep his distance by throwing low kicks and front kicks. Mo gets in with a big overhand right and makes Schilt take a big step back. Semmy continues with the low kicks. 10 - 9 Schilt.
Round Two
Schilt is still keeping his distance and fighting a safe fight. Mo is getting hurt by the leg kicks and front kicks to the body. Mo is deducted a point for holding. Mo is hurt by another body kick at the end of the round. 10 - 8 Schilt.
Round Three
Schilt starts to open up with high kicks and low kicks. Mo has no game plan and looks very bad out there. Mo is deducted another point for lack of aggression and holding. Mo is getting beaten up and the fight really is not is questions at this point. Schilt wins the round 10 - 8.
Winner and K1 Super Heavyweight Champion Semmy Schilt Unanimous Decision 30 - 26

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