HK and Cult Film News's Fan Box

Thursday, March 6, 2025

JAMES BOND: Breaking the Fourth Wall (video)

Sure, he's always shooting at us through that gun barrel. 

But how many times has James Bond really broken the 4th wall and acknowledged our presence? And maybe even talked to us?

I count three, and here they are... 


I neither own nor claim any rights to this material. Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

James Bond's "Man With The Golden Gun" Corkscrew Car Jump With NO Slide Whistle! (video)



The Roger Moore "James Bond" era played fast and loose with 007's serious image...

...even during some of its best and most impressive stunts.

A key example is the infamous corkscrew car jump from "The Man With The Golden Gun", which, although thrilling on its own, is ruined by a cartoony slide-whistle sound effect.

But what if, instead of that silly whistle, we got to hear the fabulous James Bond theme in all of its glory?

As we can see and hear in this video, it makes quite a difference.


Video by Porfle Popnecker. I neither own nor claim any rights to this material. Just having some fun with it. Thanks for listening!



Tuesday, March 4, 2025


On three separate occasions, James Bond's incredible escapades are witnessed by the same hapless tourist. 

Wherever in the wide world this poor guy goes on vacation...he can't get away from Bond.

And the wilder Bond's antics, the more this guy wonders what the heck's in his drink.

THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977) Sardinia
MOONRAKER (1979) Venice
FOR YOUR EYES ONLY (1981) The Alps

Hopefully, his next vacation will be blissfully Bond-free. But one thing's for sure...

This guy needs a new travel agent! 

Tipsy Tourist: Victor Tourjansky

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material. Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!


Monday, March 3, 2025

Bond Girl Falls Flat in "THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN" (1974) (video)

Britt Eklund signed on to the ninth Bond picture as a featured actress, not a stuntwoman.

Yet during the traditional "exploding of the bad guy's base" finale...

...she takes a rather impressive (and unscripted) header.

And Bond comes tumbling after.

Flat on their coup de grĂ¢ce!

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Why "OCTOPUSSY" Is The WORST James Bond Movie (video)

There are more reasons why OCTOPUSSY is the worst James Bond movie ever, but these are the most egregious. 

Gags, gags, and more gags--all of them bad.

And culminating in our having to see James Bond 007 not only reduced to wearing a gorilla suit, but to being literally turned into a clown.

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material. Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!
