George Romero's ground-breaking horror epic...
...of reanimated corpses feasting on the flesh of the living...
...remains one of the most horrifying films ever made.
But how much do you remember about it?
Question: Barbara says the day the time changes should be the first day of...?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Autumn
D. Winter
E. August
Question: The first person Barbara encounters in the farmhouse is...?
A. Harry
B. Ben
C. Judy
D. Tom
E. Helen
Question: Tom fumbles their escape attempt by doing what?
A. Forgetting the rifle
B. Running over Ben
C. Shooting out a truck tire
D. Driving into a tree
E. Setting fire to the truck
Question: The police chief says of the ghouls, "Well, they're dead--they're... " What?
A. "Beyond our help"
B. "All messed up"
C. "Out to lunch"
D. "Good for nothing"
E. "Dumb as a doorknob"
Question: Who kills Helen Cooper?
A. Her husband
B. Her daughter
C. The cemetery ghoul
D. Johnny
E. Ben
Question: What happens to Ben?
A. Escapes to a rescue station
B. Survives the night, then joins posse
C. Survives the night, is then killed by posse
D. Killed trying to save Barbara
E. Shot by Harry Cooper
I neither own nor claim any rights to this material. Just having some fun with it. Thanks for watching!
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