Saturday, February 1, 2020

Porfle's Trivia Quiz: Steve McQueen In "THE GREAT ESCAPE" (1963) (video)

John Sturges' WWII epic THE GREAT ESCAPE is one of the finest war movies ever made...

...with one of the best casts ever assembled.

Steve McQueen has one of his greatest roles as American pilot Virgil Hilts.

How much do you remember about his character?

Question: Hilts tells the Kommandant he plans to see _____ before the war is over.

A. Dresden
B. Berlin
C. Normandy
D. Paris
E. Vienna

Question: Hilts is known as The _____ King.

A. Tunnel
B. Cooler
C. Moonshine
D. Salvage
E. Cycle

Question: Hilts and friends make moonshine to celebrate...what?

A. Christmas Day
B. New Year's Day
C. Fourth of July
D. Veterans Day
E. Columbus Day

Question: Which one of Hilts' friends is killed during the celebration?

A. Ives
B. Blythe
C. Hendley
D. Willie
E. Danny

Question: How does Hilts pass the time in the cooler?

A. Cards
B. Harmonica
C. Baseball
D. Origami
E. Guitar

Question: Hilts' escape attempt ends how?

A. He is recaptured
B. He is shot while fleeing
C. He makes it to Switzerland
D. He is executed as a spy
E. He goes into hiding

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!

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