Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Porfle's Trivia Quiz: "BLAZING SADDLES" (1974) (video)

Mel Brooks' classic spoof of old-fashioned westerns...

...is one of the funniest films ever made.

It's also one of the most controversial...

...and probably couldn't be made in today's more sensitive times.

How much do you remember about it?

Question: Howard Johnson's greeting for the new sheriff recalls what famous comedy team?

A. Burns & Allen
B. Laurel & Hardy
C. Sandler & Young
D. Abbott & Costello
E. Allen & Rossi

Question: Taggart tells Lyle to wire the main office and tell them he said...what?

A. "Help!"
B. "SOS"
C. "So far, so good"
D. "Ow!"
E. "Send more money"

Question: Hedley orders someone to give the governor a...what?

A. Thumbs up
B. Harrumph
C. Bronx cheer
D. Attaboy
E. Hip hip hoorah

Question: What is Bart's limit on schnitzengruben?

A. Five
B. Ten
C. Fifteen
D. Twenty
E. No limit

Question: How does Bart defeat Mongo?

A. Hallmark card
B. Mickey Finn
C. Candygram
D. Hash brownies
E. Teddy bear

I neither own nor claim any rights to this material.  Just having some fun with it.  Thanks for watching!

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