Sunday, June 29, 2008

Greenfan Announces UK Release of "Ninja in Ancient China"

The guys at Greenfan are so hyped about their upcoming UK release of NINJA IN ANCIENT CHINA, they've even taken to complimenting us here at HK and Cult Film DVD News on our looks and intelligence. Talk about a stretch! Just listen:

You are some of the most beautiful (on the inside, not usually on the outside)people in the world. You're also so smart... fair... charismatic... funny.
Did we mention funny? Oh you guys crack us up. In short, you're awesome.

Do these guys have impeccable taste or what? I think they really captured me in particular. But more importantly, they're out to capture our palpitatin', ninja-lovin' hearts and asked us to convey to our smart, fair, charismatic, and funny readers the following announcement:

It's with much jubilation that we bring to you news of our company. We have recently signed a sales and distribution deal in the UK. What that means is our
titles will be available at all major high street stores and e-tailers. This means that many more people will now be able to purchase our product. It's a big step for us and one that we're excited about. We have big ambitions and this is another step towards them. On Monday June 30th 'Ninja in Ancient China' will be released in the UK. To celebrate this development we have changed the artwork to something that is far sexier and eye-catchier. Check it out....

Ninjas are awesome,
The Greenfan Team

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