Tuesday, February 12, 2008

First Blood Short Review

I just saw it again for the first time since I think I was 9 or 10.

First Blood was excellent. I never appreciated Richard Crenna character much the first time as I did this time. He did a great job with the role (the interaction with the civilians and his distrust and dislike of them, and his connection to Rambo almost as a father figure). I suspect that the fact he didn't do that much (as I interpreted the character when I was younger) is the reason I wasn't impressed the first time around. Also considering even the first time I had actually seen the imitation's before the original, may not have helped.

Still I always wondered how did Trautman first learn about Rambo's escape and what drove him to come? Is it discussed in the book at all?

The strangest thing about the whole movie is just how Stallone really is a man who wants to be left alone and doesn't truly relish in what he does. It's a powerful tale of disaffection and alienation. The 'switch' description Rambo gives is quite apt. It's a violent action film that at the same times is disgusted with the violence. Stallone does a great job with the role as it requires dialog at certain key moments, but is almost a mute role. Even with the almost anti-violence vibe of the film, you still cheer for Rambo or as I do the the involuntary yes hand movement, like when he escapes the police station. It truly is the best of the series and really different than the series as a whole.

I don't think I really need to go on about how amazing Jerry Goldsmiths music is. Brian D. turns in a nice performance too as the lead 'villain'. One thing thats nice is Rambo's destruction visually stays with the viewer (most of the wide shots and even some closeups show fires burning in the background from the gas station explosion. It's a very well shot film in terms of cinematography.

In short, First Blood is just an excellent film.

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