Thursday, September 13, 2007

An HKCFN Exclusive Interview: Sony's Mike Schlesinger on Sony Genre DVDs (HORROR,SCI-FI and MORE)!

We were very lucky to get this exclusive interview with Sony consultant Mike Schlesinger about Sony's new focus on its classic and genre properties and how it's going to be a great time to be a fan of classic cinema!

1. Mike, a lot of people know you as the man who created the US version of Godzilla 2000 (and the champion of a certain Lost Skeleton from the Bronson Caves), but can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got into the film industry? What is you exact role with Sony right now?
I've been in the biz since I graduated from college in 1973, and been workng the repertory mines since '86, first at MGM/UA, then Paramount, and at Sony since '94. At the beginning of the year, I stepped down from my Veepdom and am now working as a consultant to the company in general, but with an emphasis on getting our library titles out on DVD.

2. What are your own favorite genres and preferences?
Not big on tearjerkers, slasher films and fart comedies, but I like pretty much everything else. I think 1967 was the last truly great year for Hollywood; there certainly have been remarkable films since then, but not as consistently, and there's been an ever-increasing amount of crap. Let the hate mail commence!

3. Sony Home Video has not been well known for its classic releases; in fact, it's been derided for the treatment of its catalog titles. What is responsible for the change of heart and what seems like a new focus on catalog films?
Change in leadership. David Bishop, the new President of SPHE, is very committed to catalog titles. His predecessor--not so much.

4. What led to the release of the Boris Karloff Collection from last year? It caught many fans by surprise. Did it sell well?
My idea, and amazingly, they went for it, though they did not go for any added value. And I really wanted to do a commentary on BOOGIE MAN WILL GET YOU! But hey, at least it did get out. Don't really know how it sold.

5. While people were quite happy with the visual quality of the DVDs, some people were taken aback by the low-tech menus and chapters. Is this something that will be changed for the Sam Katzman boxset?
Well, the menus won't be higher tech, but I think they're much more attractive. And I did the chapter stops myself.

6. Speaking of such, how did the idea of a Sam Katzman boxset come up? The concept of Sony releasing The Giant Claw is just mind-blowing and a wonderful development.
Thank you. Again, my suggestion. Their original selection for an Icons of Horror release had to be postponed due to production problems; I gave them a list of possible replacements, and miracle of miracles, they chose that one.

7. What are the final specs for the films to appear on the DVD and extras?
All are digitally mastered and presented in 1.85:1 and glorious black-and-white. The extras are Chapter 2 of Sam's serial version of MYSTERIOUS ISLAND; a cartoon, TERROR FACES MAGOO; a truly rare comedy short, MIDNIGHT BLUNDERS, and a big bunch of trailers, including the ones for all four features.

8. Deciding the aspect ratio of 1950 films has been a source of controversy recently among film fans. What is the aspect ratio and how did you decide on it for the Sam Katzman boxset?
See above. Nothing to decide, really; by the mid-50s, 1.85:1 was the accepted standard.

9. What are some of the possible future Icons of Horror sets (assuming the Sam Katzman set sells well)?
There'll be a Cushing/Lee set and a Peter Lorre set; hopefully a Toho set, too, but that's really more sci-fi.

10. Does Sony have any plan to release classic properties on Blu-ray yet?

11. What are the possibilities regarding releases of Sony's Hammer and Toho films?
See above. There'll also be a box of Christopher Lee pirate/adventure films.

12. The Three Stooges have always been a perennial favorite for video releases. What separates this new release from previous ones (in terms of ordering of the set, i.e. years instead of themes)?
Really just the chronological ordering, plus a more reasonable price. There's been some remastering, and hopefully some extras down the line.

13. I assume that the colorization of the Stooges have stopped and will not be resuming?
Yes. That ship has sailed and sunk.

14. What is the possibility of Sony releasing other non-Stooge shorts made by Columbia (i.e. Jules White)?
Well, we've already put out the Buster Keaton shorts, and I'm including shorts with features. I'm hoping for a Charley Chase box set somewhere down the line.

15. Non-genre related is the upcoming release of Golden Boy. What can you tell us about this release and its specs?
First time on DVD, timed to the Barbara Stanwyck centennial. Extras include a cartoon parody, THE KANGAROO KID; a "Glove Slingers" two-reeler, PLEASED TO MITT YOU, with Shemp Howard; a 1930 Screen Snapshot with a 23-year-old Stanwyck learning how to play golf, and--I'm really proud of this--a 1956 episode of "Ford Theatre" that was her first dramatic TV appearance. Nobody's seen it for 50 years!

16. Are the classic titles owned by Sony being remastered in terms of damage cleanup?
Absolutely. Our restoration czar, Grover Crisp, is a real bear about this.

17. Is Sony gearing up to treat its catalog titles on par with their more recent properties in terms of releases and features?
Well, they won't receive the same treatment as, say, SPIDER-MAN; the returns just aren't there. But they're definitely being handled with greater respect than they were before.

18. Are new HD masters being made of genre titles for TV broadcast (such as MonstersHD)?
Don't know. But I would imagine so.

19. Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?

Go buy THE LOST SKELETON OF CADAVRA. The cult needs to keep growing!


  1. great interview, and Mike is a nice guy. saw him at THE WEREWOLF/BLACK SCORPION show in Hollywood last month. hopefully the Toho set will get done!


  2. I agree, Mike was a great person to interview and I think is the right person to help Sony exploit there classic catalog.
