Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A Small Update on When Boots Attacks!

I spoke earlier today to a person a TWC and boy was he not happy when he saw this. I gave him links to the blog and he saw the pictures. He was pretty shocked when I told him this. He said they were going to "take corrective measures immediately". We will just have to see what will happen.


  1. Good work - Red Sun/Stiller has been making money off other peoples' hard work for far too long with his bootlegging operation.

  2. Yeah, to quote the wise wit of the Iron Shiek, Stiller needs to be "made humble old country style" lol. Thanks for reading the article. I appreciate your support

  3. great work BUT I remember how Miramax and the Weinsteins leaned on retailers importing the LEGAL non-Bootlegs of Hero while they had the film in the vault before they released it.

    I hate to see to see Hollywood conflate legal non-US region imports with obviously bootlegs.

    I'm all against bootlegs obviously.
